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오픽 국내여행 해외여행 영어 답변 스크립트 AL 받는 법


오늘 오픽 관련 컨텐츠는 국내여행 해외여행 관련 영어스크립트 어떻게 작성하면 좋을지

오픽 AL 받는 방법에 대해 이야기 해보려고 해요/


항상 강조하는 여행 관련 스크립트가 있죠?
국내여행 국외여행 ( 해외여행 ) 집에서 보내는 휴가

이렇게 3종은 꼭 오픽 서베이에서 선택하면 좋답니다


영상에 나오는 4문제가 메인인데요. 

링크 첨부해둘게요. 꼭 이 4문제는 준비하셔서 시험장에 가셔야해요.

무조건 나올 확률이 높아요! 








​오픽 여행 관련 질문들 AL 받는 방법


Question 1. What do you prepare before going on a trip?
여행 가기 전에 어떤 것들을 준비하시나요? 
음원에 나오는 expressions 표현들 
1. leave on a trip 
Let's leave on a trip. 여행 떠나자
Would you like to leave on a trip? 여행 떠나고 싶어? 

2. full of


He is full of air.

Don't be so full of yourself.


3. pack into


Let's pack it into our luggage.

You need to pack the day before leaving. 


4. as well as


Go to Tokyo as well as Kyoto.

Don't forget your passport as well as your flight ticket.


5. sleep in 


Make sure not to sleep in.

Sometimes I end up sleeping on.


6. load music onto


I only load good music onto my mp3 player.I don't know if I can load all my music onto my mp3 player.


7. pass the time


I like to read to pass the time.What do you do to pass the time? 



두번째 오픽 여행 관련 문제


Question 2. Tell me about your experience you had while travelling.

When did you go and how was it? Who went with you?

여행 다니면서 경험했던 것들에 대해 이야기 해주세요.

여행을 언제 갔고 어땟나요? 누구와 함께 갔나요? 


음원에 나오는 표현들


1. called


I called out to her.

The food was called something I could not pronounce.


2. be working in


He is working in a winery.

Where would you want to be working in?


3. interested in 


Are you interested in travelling?

He is interested in studying English.


4. to be honest 


To be honest, I preferred Begian chocolate.

To be honest, I liked it. 


5. such a memorable/etc...


Going on the trip was such a memorable experience.

Did yo uhave any memorable moments?


6. all around me


There were flowers all around me.

I had so many different types of stall all around me.


7. miles around


There were people for miles around.

You could see nothing other than jungle for miles around.



세번째 오픽 여행 관련 문제 


question 3. What are the similarities and differences between a domestic and international trip?

국내여행과 해외여행의 공통점과 차이점은 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 

음원에 나오는 표현들


1. the most important 


The most important thing is to keep a cool head.

What's the most important thing to you ? 


2. apart from


Apart from music, I also enjoy sleeping.

What do you enjoy other than reading?


3. depend on 


That would depend on how I feel.

Do you depend on your parents?


4. become harder


It can become harder.

I would like it if this subject became harder. 


5. communicate with


Is it time to communicate with strangers?

I want to communicate with English speakers.


6. far away from


I am far away from home.

Are you still far away from where we are? 



네번째 오픽 여행 관련 질문 AL 받는 방법


Question 4. How do you plan for a trip? Do you have a process?

Describe it to me.

여행계획을 어떻게 세우시나요? 절차가 있나요? 이야기해주세요.


음원에 나오는 표현


1. requrements for 


What are the requirements for entering that school?

He passed the requirements for joining.


2. phone somewhere


I need to quickly phone somewhere.

Did you need to phone somewhere?


3. what kind of 


What kind of arrangement do you have?
What kind of quit is that? 


4. arrange for 


we need to arrange for guests that come.

Can you arrange something for his mother?




4가지 질문은 꼭 필수적으로 공부하고 시험장 가길 바래요.

다음에는 다른 주제의 오픽 서베이 문항들을 다뤄볼게요.


오늘 알려드린 오픽 기출문제 여행관련 표현들이 도움이 되셨길 바래요.


다음 포스팅에서 또 만나요. 



